Reflecting concerns about the outlook, the main Chinese stock market index in Shanghai fell 1 per cent on Thursday, its fourth straight day of declines. 周四,中国主要股指&上证综指下跌1%,这是该指数连续第四天下跌,反映出市场对前景的忧虑。
The Bank of America Merrill Lynch Asia dollar high-yield market index is now far higher than it was in January. 美银美林(BankOfAmericaMerrillLynch)编制的亚洲美元高收益市场指数目前远高于今年1月份时的水平。
The market index standing steadily at the144 Cycle Line, we can be assured to operate. 看住144周期线,只有大盘股指站稳在144周期线上才能放心操作。
South Korean media and analysts were cautiously optimistic, too, and the won currency rose against the dollar in response to the North's shift and a rising stock market index. 韩国媒体和分析家们也表示谨慎乐观,作为对朝鲜的转变的回应,韩元对美元汇率上升,股市指数也出现上扬。
Weighted average market capitalization a stock market index weighted by the value of all shares outstanding for each stock. 加权平均总市值根据每种股票的已发行股票的价值作调整的股票市场价值。
More colloquially, it is known as "big elephant" in light of its weighting in the benchmark Hang Seng stock market index the second-largest stock by market capitalisation. 更通俗地说,鉴于其作为股指香港恒生指数第二大成份股(按市值计)的权重,汇丰被称为“大象”。
Morning, the market index opened low before attracted many individuals to come in for chips. 今天早盘大盘股指小幅低开后,又吸引不少散户进场“抢筹”。
We find that: jump-cluster phenomena exist in the process of stock market index; 结论表明:股票指数的运行过程存在明显的跳跃聚集现象;
Empirical study shows that, in short term, there is a quadratic curve relation between ownership concentration and corporate performance measured by market index; 实证研究表明,在短期,股权集中与以市场指标衡量的公司业绩之间存在二次曲线关系;
Given a global crisis triggered by property lending and a halving of China's main stock market index this year, Mr Chow was surprisingly sanguine about spending millions of dollars on an aircraft. 考虑到房地产贷款引发的全球金融危机,以及中国主要股指今年已跌去一半,Chow对花费数百万美元购买一架飞机表现出的乐观态度令人吃惊。
Not benchmarked against a traditional long-only market index but rather have the aim of outperforming cash or a risk-free benchmark. 不以传统做多市场指数为基准,而是以超越现金或无风险基准的表现为目标。
The emerging markets 'bond index is doing "quite well" under the circumstances, he said, with spreads lower than those of the US corporate ( junk) bond market index. 他说,新兴市场的债券指数在当前条件下走势“很好”,其价差低于美国公司债券市场指数的价差。
The plan emerged last week, sending the TAIEX stock market index in Taipei tumbling to its heaviest one-day fall this year. 该计划在上周提出,引发台湾证交所加权指数(taiex)创下今年最大单日跌幅。
The empirical analysis has been done on the relationship between the Chinese stock market index and the monetary policy using the vector autoregressive ( VAR) analysis method. 运用向量自回归(VAR)分析方法对我国股票市场股价指数与货币政策之间的关系进行了实证分析。
Quadruple witching refers to when market index futures, market index options, stock options, and stock futures all expire on the same day. 股指期货,股指期权,单只股票期权和期货全部同一天到期的日子。
By moving quickly from one fund to the other, retail investors are in effect forcing managers to maintain an unusually large level of cash a move that will almost certainly lead to underperformance against the market index. 散户迅速地从一只基金转向另一只基金,这实际上迫使基金经理持有超乎寻常的大量现金,而这样做几乎必然导致基金表现不及市场指数。
Some investors and analysts are also bullish about Thailand, where the benchmark stock market index increased by only 3 per cent this year amid political uncertainty. 一些投资者和分析师还看好泰国股市,由于政治方面的不确定性,使该国基准股指今年只上涨了3%。
He points out that Brazil was the biggest gainer in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index in 2009. 梅勒指出,在2009年,巴西是摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(msciemergingmarketindex)中最大的赢家。
Where possible we also like the flexibility to buy put options at the market index level, again for downside protection. 如有可能,我们同样也愿意在市场指数的水平上购买认沽期权,以进行下跌保护。
A Research on SVM Based Financial Market Index Tracking Technology 基于支持向量机的金融市场指数追踪技术研究
The Tunis stock market index rose 19 per cent in 2010, its eighth straight positive year. 2010年,突尼斯股市指数上涨19%,这是该股指连续第八年上扬。
Based on a mathematical model for pricing options, portfolio insurance consisted of a strategy of selling stock market index futures short while buying other equities. 投资组合保险以期权定价的数学模型为基础,它的一种策略是在买入股票的同时卖空股指期货。
Instead, they concentrate almost single-mindedly on the growth rate of a company's earnings, the momentum of its share price, or simply its inclusion in a market index. 相反,他们全神贯注甚至是一心一意地关注公司的盈利的增长率,股价的变动趋势,或者干脆将它编入指数。
When we analyses the liquidity of the market index, volatility clustering is found to be significant. 在对市场指数的流动性分析中,发现流动性具有波动集聚效应。